The symposium will have three sessions orchestrated around the theme of new approaches for tackling cardio-metabolic chronic diseases.
Session 1: Physical activity intervention and cardiovascular health
Chair: Dr. Veronica Jamnik, School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University
Regular physical activity participation represents a powerful tool to combat and to prevent the increasing prevalence of chronic cardio-metabolic diseases. However physical activity intervention can be difficult to implement in population that need it the most. New technologies can help advancing research that aims to promote physical activity, knowledge transfer and apply lifestyle intervention in persons at most risks of cardio-metabolic diseases.
Confirmed speakers:
- Dr. Martine Duclos will present her work related to the development of physical activity program for patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease and the development of software for real-time recording of biological parameters
- Members of the Physical Activity and Chronic Disease Unit will present their work related to innovative approaches for the prevention of diabetes.
Session 2: E-Health and cardiovascular health
Chair: Dr. Mohammed Al-Omran, Professor of Surgery, University of Toronto and Kind Saud University, Head of Vascular Surgery Division, St. Michael's Hospital
The web allows instantaneous transfer and exchange resources that can be used to support health care and inform patients, and to collect data in a timely manner that facilitate personalized care and community-based research. This provides opportunities for innovative E-health tools, such as virtual communities, targeting the prevention and promotion of cardiovascular diseases (i.e. public awareness, patient education, communication between patients and health care providers).
Confirmed speakers:
- Dr. Christo El Morr will present his work related to increasing awareness about peripheral arterial disease through the use of virtual community
- Dr. Musaad Al Hamzah will present his work related to the “Population awareness and Peripheral arterial diseases: the effect of an awareness campaign”
- Dr. Pierre Maret will present his work related to the development of computing tools for virtual communities, social network and eHealth (CNRS 5516, St Etienne France).
Session 3: Molecular markers of cardiovascular health
Chair: Dr. Emilie Roudier, School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University
At a time whereby sequencing the whole genome of a human being has never been as fast and computing science allows rapid analysis of big data; emerging field of research based on new technologies are becoming very valuables tool to identify the determinants of cardiovascular health.
One of the themes of the symposium will explore how bioinformatics can be used to advance knowledge in cardiovascular disease and in the identification of biomarkers.
Confirmed speakers:
• Dr. Sophie Viviskis-Siest is leading research related to “Interaction gene-gene environment and cardiovascular health”
• Dr. Tara Haas will discuss approaches to identify biomarkers of peripheral arterial disease.
• Dr. Alexandre Stewart will speak of his research related to genetics of cardiac diseases
• Dr. Tami Martino will discuss how the study of the circadian rhythm helps identify biomarkers of cardiovascular health