Thursday, November 5th
8:45 am Introduction/une introduction
Dr. Sushanta Mitra, Associate Vice-President Research, York University
Session 1: Physical activity intervention for cardiovascular health
9:00 am
Introductory Lecture
A multilevel patient centered care promoting physical activity: from supervised exercise training to smartphone
Dr. Martine Duclos, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, France
9:50 am Prediabetes Detection and Physical Activity Intervention: Strategies and outcomes
Chip Rowan, PhD (c), York University
10:20 am The effects of basal insulin adjustments on blood glucose concentrations during various exercise intensities in individuals with type 1 diabetes: Preliminary Data
Dessi Zaharieva, PhD (c), York University
10:40 am Poster Reception
11:20 am The Accuracy of select Wearable Technology during varying exercise modalities and intensities
Loren Yavelberg, PhD (c), York University
11:40 am Ambulatory assessment of physical activity and walking capacity in peripheral artery disease: clinical interest, practical considerations and future directions
Alexis Le Faucheur, ENS Rennes, Bruz, France
12:00 - 1:15 pm Lunch
1:15 pm
Keynote Lecture
Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease: from diagnosis to rehabilitation
Dr. Guillaume Mahé, INSERM-CHU, Rennes, France
Session 2: E-Health, virtual community and cardiovascular health
2:05 pm
Introductory Lecture
"Virtual communities (VCs) for PAD: a study of patient's readiness"
Dr. Christo El Morr,
School of Health Policy and Management, York University
2:55 pm Poster Reception
3:30 pm Data and Knowledge in self-and community-based health supervision
Dr. Pierre Maret, Université de St. Etienne, France
4:20 pm Population and Peripheral arterial diseases: the effect of an awareness campaign
Dr. Musaad Al Hamzah, MBBS, MPH, University of Toronto
Friday, November 6th
Session 3: Molecular markers of cardiovascular health
9:00 am
Introductory Lecture
VEGF, a potential biomarker for systems medicine
Dr. Sophie Viviskis-Siest, UMR INSERM,
University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
9:50 am Molecular Circadian Biomarkers and Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease
Dr. Tami Martino, Centre for Cardiovascular Research, Biomedical Sciences,
University of Guelph
10:40 am Poster Reception
11:00 am Defining molecular markers of angiogenesis in the ischemic muscle of PAD patients
Dr. Tara Haas, School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University
11:50 am What genome-wide association studies have taught us about cardiovascular disease?
Dr. Alexandre Stewart, Department of Medicine & Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa
12:40 pm Closing Remarks
Dr. Mazyar Fallah, Associate Dean, Research and Innovation,
Faculty of Health, York University
The Cardiovascular Health symposium has been made possible through the contributions of:
The Consulate General of France in Toronto
The Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation @ York University
The Faculty of Health @ York University
The School of Kinesiology and Health Science @ York University
The School of Health Policy and Management @ York University
YorkU Muscle Health Research Centre
YorkU Centre for Aging Research & Education