Undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers are invited to submit abstracts.
Authors should indicate their preference for either poster or oral presentation.
Session 1: Physical activity intervention for cardiovascular health
Abstracts related to novel approaches and strategies to promote healthy behavior in particular an active lifestyle.
This might include:
• Monitoring physical activity
• Community-based research and physical activity
• New approach to promote physical activity in population at risk due to chronic diseases or conditions such as obesity, diabetes, aging, cardiovascular disease.
Session 2: E-Health and cardiovascular health
Abstracts related to new technologies for cardiovascular health and the treatment and management of cardio-metabolic diseases at the level of the individual or the community will be considered.
This might include:
• Computing science for cardiovascular health
• E-health from knowledge translation to community-based research using new technologies
Session 3: Molecular markers of cardiovascular health.
Abstracts related to novel strategies to identifying molecular markers or targets for the treatment or the prevention of chronic cardio-metabolic diseases will be considered.
This might include:
• “Omics” approaches and bioinformatics for the study of cardio-metabolic disease
• Biomarkers of cardiovascular health or diseases
• New models to study chronic cardio-metabolic diseases
Submission Deadline: October 1, 2015. Extended Deadline: October 15, 2015
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
The word limit for an Abstract Submission is 300 words. Please include:
a) A brief statement of the purpose of the study.
b) A statement of the method(s) of investigation & a summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support conclusions.