Session 1: Physical activity intervention for cardiovascular health
Dr. Veronica Jamnik, is an Associate Professor at York University within the School of Kinesiology and Health Science. She is a member of the Physical Activity and Chronic Disease Unit, which is performing community-based research to combat chronic diseases. Her research is investigating the mechanisms underlying the heterogeneity in individual training adaptations. Her work focuses on enhancing the screen for physical activity participation and bona-fide occupational fitness screening protocols for physically demanding occupations. Dr. Jamnik also has a strong interest in research related to physical activity to manage chronic disease. For example, she is currently leading a project on pre-diabetes detection and prevention (PrePaid). This program is to identify those individuals from the highest risk populations, who have pre-diabetes, and to provide them with accessible and adapted training programs. The goal is to prevent them from developing Type 2 diabetes. Her research is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health: Promotion and Sport and other Canadian agencies.
Session 2: E-Health and cardiovascular health
Dr. Mohammed Al-Omran is a Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto and King Saud University and, Head of Vascular Surgery Division at St Michael’s Hospital. After the completion of surgical training, Dr. Al-Omran returned to Saudi Arabia and worked at King Saud University and its affiliated hospitals for 8 years where he was assigned clinical and academic duties and was involved in the major projects of restructuring King Saud University. He held many leading positions and was involved in establishing many educational and research programs such as the medical research chair program, international twining program and clinician investigator program. Dr. Al-Omran was recruited by St Michael’s Hospital and University of Toronto and returned to Toronto in 2013 as the Head of Vascular Surgery Division.
Dr. Al-Omran is a clinician investigator and currently appointed as a Scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital. His research interests are focused on atherosclerosis bench to bedside with special interest in peripheral arterial disease. Dr. Al-Omran has published widely in peer-reviewed journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation and the Journal of Vascular Surgery. Dr. Al-Omran has been the recipient of several teaching and research awards.
Session 3: Molecular markers of cardiovascular health
Dr. Emilie Roudier is a sessional assistant professor at York University within the School of Kinesiology and Health Science and in the Global Health program. After a PhD obtained from the University Joseph Fourier in France, she did her postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute for environmental medicine at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm Sweden). Her scientific interests are the study of the environmental/behavioural determinants of vascular health. As a researcher within the angiogenesis research group at York University she is studying the molecular mechanisms that controls the plasticity of the microvascular bed in skeletal muscle and adipose tissues. Her most recent work aims to investigate how healthy behaviour (e.g. the practise of physical activity) promotes beneficial adaptation, and conversely how chronic diseases and conditions (obesity and peripheral arterial disease) alter the microvascular plasticity. She is currently co-applicant on a CIHR grant awarded to study the effect of obesity on the microvasculature of the adipose and skeletal muscle tissues. She is a member of the microcirculatory society and Francophone diabetes society.